Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers!

To anyone who was at the Central Park Wal-Mart on June 4th at about 7:30 p.m.

I am not a freak of nature, I am a mother of twins. Yes I have two car seats placed in the shopping cart and yes that leaves no room to shop. Your glances and gawks are not needed. I have twins. Yes I said they are twins. No they are not identical and yes they are both girls. No Katelyn was not bigger just because she has the bigger face. Yes it is overwhelming and yes I am truly blessed. Please do not point or tell me that I have my hands full. If you need to stop and ask questions please don't ask something stupid. I don't need to know about your sister's hubsband's mother's friend who had twins 50 years ago. I know enough people who have twins and they can tell me what it is like. Please do not call your husband over to look because he doesn't care. Please remember that I have feelings and I am very touchy when it comes to my babies. Please look at what my girls are wearing and know that if they are in pink and purple that means they are girls. Heck even their car seats are pink. Please be sensitive to other moms that you may meet on your travels. Please don't point, laugh or say "Awwwwww" to your 16 year old friends. If you have a question please ask but please know that I have somewhere or something else to be doing and I don't want to take 3 hours out of my day to give you the "low down".

Thank you for your compliments.



Cindy said...

My favorite people are the little old ladies at WalMart or Costco who feel the need to come over and touch your baby. How do you yell at a grandma?

And just because he is crying doesn't mean he's hungry. Maybe he just thinks you are ugly. If I had enough balls I would say that to someone. Haha. :)

Danielle said...

I would love to say that! Maybe on my next bad day that is what I will say!