Thursday, May 31, 2007

He loves me, He loves me not....

So today my neighbors little granddaughter came over to play with Mollie. The girls were sitting on the front porch playing My Little Ponies and I went outside to sit with them for a little while and this lady was walking up the sidewalk with a basket of flowers. She came to my walkway and said "Are you Danielle?" I told her I was and she handed me the basket of flowers. It was full of white daisies. The card reads "Hope this brightens your day as much as you have brightened mine." I was pleasantly surprised. It is things like this that make me love my husband. I am going to try and be a wonderful wife this weekend and hope that I get more flowers.


manda said...

grr. tell him to stand really close to jason tomorrow at work and let some of those "give flowers for no reason" vibes rub off.

Cindy said...

Aawww... don't you love flowers for no reason? :)