Thursday, May 24, 2007


So I thought that I was doing good with schedules for the twins. I mean I did everything at the same time for each of them. If one got fed so did the other, if one got a new diaper, so did the other. So tell me why for the last 3 nights, Katelyn has gotten up at 2 a.m. and then she just wants to stay up. Peyton, however, has slept until 4 a.m. Is there a trick? Is there a magic wand that I have to wave to make them sleep thru the night? I can't remember how long it took Mollie to sleep thru the night when she was little but I don't remember being this tired. I think Mollie came home from the hospital sleeping thru the night! Maybe I am just kidding myself. When does this get easier? I feel like this will never end. I am a walking zombie! I still have to manage a nap today because Mollie has a parade tonight and going to a parade sucks the life out of me!


Anonymous said...

Hey Danielle. Sounds like you are pretty busy and getting no sleep. Can't really say that it will get better since I don't have kids but I'm sure it will!! :)
Well, talk to you later!

Dustee said...

Try adding a little bit of cereal to their evening bottles. I found with kain that adding a teaspoon of it to his night time bottle helped him sleep longer through the night. I was graced with a 10 hour sleeper after that so who knows. Maybe this could be the answer you are looking for. Of course, you will need to make a bigger hole in the nipple so the cereal comes out but try it and see what happens.