Thursday, April 24, 2008


I am so very bored.....I could be doing a million things around here but instead I sit at the computer where I have been all day typing a boring post that no one will probably read!!! Clint is behind me in the living room watching something sports related and I guess I could join him or go to the bedroom and watch one of my fifteen thousand NCIS shows I have recorded on TiVo but here I sit. I could be folding one of the ten piles of laundry that we have to fold, but here I sit. I could be washing the sink full of dishes that magically appeared sometime tonight but here I sit. So sit I will. I will sit and continue to surf the net and read all the celebrity gossip and smut I can find. I will venture over to CNN to check out the latest happenings in the world to make sure I stay abreast of the latest happenings and I will continue to sit. I would love to really have something interesting to say but I don't. I have some sad news....My brother's friend and fellow Marine got killed by a suicide bomber on Tuesday and my brother had to help load his body into the helicopter. I feel like my brother (even though he is an adult) has lost of of his "baby boy" innocence. I know that he does things that would make my grandmother roll over in her grave but he is still my baby brother.

I would also like to make a request.....I put this really cool thing on the side of my blog that is supposed to tell me where people are that look at my blog and there are a ton of people that must look at this thing. I got the idea from Lisa's Blog (so thanks Lisa) and so for anyone that reads this, I would like a little comment about how you found my blog!!! OK I guess it is time for me to get of my big ole' butt and do something!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey No problem!! I actaully found your blog through Mandas.

Cindy said...

Sometimes i just veg in front of the computer. We all have days like that. :)

manda said...

I read. At least you "stay abreast". It's sad when Jason knows more about the world than I do. I've been reading your blog since you started it. You should post to it more! I should be writing a paper, but here I sit.

Unknown said...

I got your blog Manda also. I met you when you joined FAMOMC. I can't veg in front of the computer during the day anymore. My boys want to type along with me. I do my computer stuff at night.

Leslie Smith