Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bring on the Yard Sales...

So today was the "Twins Club" Garage Sale. I joined the Central Arkansas Mothers of Multiples a few months ago. I liked meeting some other "twin" mommies because I missed my friends from back home. The Garage Sale was a big success (at least I think)!!! I sold and also bought!!! I love finding Gymboree or Children's Place or Gap for well under retail! Plus there was a 1/2 price sale towards the end. I got all three girls a bunch of clothes. They are all super cute. I even found Clint a few really nice Polo Shirts and me 3 pairs of boots. It was a good day!

The twinies are now in bed and I am preparing myself for the arrival of my sister in law and brother in law. They are here because Clint's Great Uncle died and we have to go to the funeral. Clint's sister came in from Kansas City, to I guess, make sure she gets some sympathy for an uncle she hasn't seen in 10 years! Oh well, glad their visit will be short.

I have been in talks with IBM about going back on to the Army project I was working on before moving here. It would be a virtual position, in which I work from home! They pay would be outstanding considering what the pay is around here. Please pray that I get this job! IBM actually contacted me about the position so I am hoping that this is a sign that they want me back, BAD!

Good night all. I might just go lay down before the in laws arrive so I won't be disturbed! HA HA

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