Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just An Update.....

So Mollie and Mom have been here since Thursday and I will be sad to see them leave on Sunday!!! They will have stayed for 10 days. The only good thing about them leaving is that since I have accepted the offer with IBM (YES I GOT THE JOB!!!) that I will now be able to travel to Virginia and stay for as long as I like. The only thing is that I will need to be able to connect to WiFi or the Internet so that I can work too!!! I am super excited about my new/old job!! HA HA

My birthday was super nice. Just kind of relaxing and enjoyable. Clint gave me a "Blue Tooth" for my phone and also a long white bath robe from Dillard's. I have been asking for a robe and finally got it!!! Then when he got home last Tuesday he yelled into the living room "Where is the fire extinguisher, there is a fire in the kitchen?" I had no clue but immediately paniced and ran into the kitchen where he had a birthday cake with candles! Since my heart was beating so fast thinking there was a fire I just stood there while my candles slowly melted! HA HA

Our Easter was nice as well. We had an egg hunt at our house with Kim, Eric and Christian (Clint's step sister, her husband, and their totally cute ball of energy little boy), so really it is my sister in law and brother in law and nephew! HA HA Also Clint's Dad and his Wife, mom, Mollie, the Twinies and me and Clint! We had sammiches, candy and a really good time. They flew kites out in the field and the two oldest kids hunted eggs! It was a super good day. Plus my girls looked outstanding in their new Easter Dresses from Pop Pop and Dee Dee and were very good at church!

Some of the other highlights so far have been the Zoo, the Risen Festival (not not the scary drug, but a place here in Arkansas), good food, good fellowship and just spending time with my mom and Mollie.

Oh and can I ask a favor? I need some prayers for my baby brother who deployed to Iraq last Friday, 4 days after turning 20!! He was in Kuwait by Sunday and then he was headed to Ramaldi (City of Ashes). So please just add him when you say your prayers that he will come back safe and sound, along with his entire Battalion.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

They Are Out To Get Me.....

It has come to my attention that certain people have been in cohoots to see Clint and I apart. I am not sure if these people even read this, I almost think they don't! But these people are two that have talked bad about each other and now I guess they are all chummy and don't have anything better in their lives to do but destroy the happiness of others! I am sick over this. It is one of those situations that is a "he said, she said" thing and it is completely bull. It makes me think that we are all back in high school. I am just driving myself crazy over this. Clint might have a small clue but I am sure he doesn't know the extent in which it has gone on. I am just waiting in the cut for them to foul themselves up because it won't be long. I would have been in the dark except for someone telling me because she said "What they are doing to you is wrong". So I am making this short. Leave me alone. I want NOTHING to do with you. Deal with your own demons and life and stay out of ours. What goes around comes around and I regret trusting you in the past. I once considered you a friend and even family but not any more. Your maniplulation and lies will come back around. Deal with yourselves. I can deal with myself. We are all adults and my name should not have to cross your lips. If you have something to say, Say it to me! Because I may be in a small town, it doesn't mean that people don't talk!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bring on the Yard Sales...

So today was the "Twins Club" Garage Sale. I joined the Central Arkansas Mothers of Multiples a few months ago. I liked meeting some other "twin" mommies because I missed my friends from back home. The Garage Sale was a big success (at least I think)!!! I sold and also bought!!! I love finding Gymboree or Children's Place or Gap for well under retail! Plus there was a 1/2 price sale towards the end. I got all three girls a bunch of clothes. They are all super cute. I even found Clint a few really nice Polo Shirts and me 3 pairs of boots. It was a good day!

The twinies are now in bed and I am preparing myself for the arrival of my sister in law and brother in law. They are here because Clint's Great Uncle died and we have to go to the funeral. Clint's sister came in from Kansas City, to I guess, make sure she gets some sympathy for an uncle she hasn't seen in 10 years! Oh well, glad their visit will be short.

I have been in talks with IBM about going back on to the Army project I was working on before moving here. It would be a virtual position, in which I work from home! They pay would be outstanding considering what the pay is around here. Please pray that I get this job! IBM actually contacted me about the position so I am hoping that this is a sign that they want me back, BAD!

Good night all. I might just go lay down before the in laws arrive so I won't be disturbed! HA HA

Monday, March 3, 2008

Long Time No Speak!

OK so if anyone still wonders about us, we are still here and kicking! I am so out of the updating loop these days. We broke down and got Internet at home when we purchased our new home PC!! Along with Clint's dream of a 61 inch TV! I will never see him now!!!!

The girls are all doing great. Walking will begin any day with them! They are both over 20 pounds and doing some major talking!! Just simple things like yelling "MAMA" at 530 in the morning until I drag myself out of the bed to turn the light on for them. Once I turn the light on the yell across the room to each other! I guess they are starting that "twin language" I have been warned about! I am impressed with the bond they are forming except for at meal time when my Katelyn wants all of her dinner and anything Peyton may leave behind.

We got a new member of our family last week! Her name is Shelby and she is an 8 month old Doberman. Clint's beloved Capone left us right before Christmas and we have wrestled with the idea of getting another Doberman. We finally decided on Shelby when we heard her story of being a rescue along with her 5 litter mates and being nursed back from near death to be a thriving puppy. Our Sasha loves having a play mate and Shelby is such a sweet (and hyper) girl!

I am starting several countdowns at the moment! The first is 15 days until my 26th Birthday! The second being 17 days until my mom and Mollie fly down for 10 days and the third being 34 days until my sweet babies turn ONE! Ahhhh so much going on here!

I hope someone will take the time to still read this! Oh yeah and here are some pictures of random things!

Miss and love you all!