Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We Have Jugs....

Ha ha ha....Bet you were thinking "WHAT"? Well I opened the refrigerator today and realized we have ALOT of jugs. We have 8 gallons of milk, two jugs of apple juice, a jug of Hawaiian Punch, a pitcher of tea, 3 two liters of soda and a jug of homemade wine. I can't believe we have so many JUGS in there.

Anyways, it has been ages since I took the time to sit down and blog. With Mollie here there is just so much going on and I love it. We have had Bible School, Play dates, trips to the amusement park and so much more. We got a trampoline with the net goes around it and Mollie loves to jump while we spray her with the water hose. Crazy kid. We have also spent alot of time utilizing the in-laws in ground pool that doesn't see much use unless our kids are over! They live close enough that sometimes Mollie and I cut out mid day and pack a lunch and head over. No one bothers us and we have a grand old time.

The twins are growing everyday. The both are expert walkers and they also have discovered that they LOVE the pool. They love to "jump" off the side and blow bubbles by putting their face in the water. They can say MaMa, DaDa, Baby, Sissie, Sasha (one of our dogs), Bye Bye, Ba Ba and NO. It is amazing how much they are changing right before our very eyes. They certainly keep us busy but everyday is a new adventure.

I have become very active in our twins club here and I am spearheading the Consignment Sale this year. Our first sale is in September and we are finally going with an electronic bar code system. Very exciting for the club and very nerve racking for me! Wish me luck, I am off to do more updating to the seller agreements!

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